Morning Prayer



In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit (+), the One True God, Amen.
Holy, holy, holy, O! Lord God Almighty with whose praises the heavens and earth are full; glory in the Highest.
Blessed is He who came and is to come in the name of the Lord; glory in the Highest.


Holy art Thou O God Holy art Thou Mighty
Holy art Thou Immortal.
O Thou who was crucified (+) for us, have merey upon us.* (repeat thrice)

Our Lord have mercy upon us. Our Lord have compassion and merey upon us. Our Lord accept our worship and our prayers and have mercy upon us, Glory be to thee O God; glory be to thee O Creator; glory be to thee 0 Christ-King who has compassion on thy sinful servants.

Lord's Prayer
Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day the bread of our need and forgive us our debts and our sins as we also forgave our debtors, And admit us not into temptation but deliver us from the evil one. For thine is the kingdom, power and glory, for ever and ever. (+) Amen.

Hail Mary
Hail Mary, full of grace, our Lord with thee. Thou art blessed among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, our Lord Jesus Christ. O! St. Mary, Holy Virgin, Mother of God, pray for us, sinners, now and evermore, even at the hour of our death. Amen.

O Lord who sleepest not, awaken me from the slumber of sin that I may worship thee. O Living One who knowest not death, do thou raise me from the slumber of death, to thank thee for thy mercy and make me worthy to praise thee in the glorious company of all the saints. O Father, Son and Holy Spirit, thine be the glory for ever and ever. Amen.

Kaumo of Cherubic Exaltation
Blessed is the honour of the Lord from His place forever (+)
Holy and glorious Trinity, have mercy upon us.

Blessed is the honour of the Lord from His place forever (+)
Holy and glorious Trinity, have merey upon us.
Blessed is the honour of the Lord from His place evermore (+)
Holy and glorious Trinity, have compassion and merey upon us,
Holy and glorious art thou for ever.
Holy and glorious art thou for ever.
Holy and glorious art thou for evermore.
Glory be to thee our Lord, Glory be to thee our Lord,
Glory be to thee our hope for ever.

Lord's Prayer
Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day the bread of our need and forgive us our debts and our sins as we also forgave our debtors. And admit us not into temptation but deliver us from the evil one. For thine is the kingdom, power and glory, for ever and ever. (+) Amen.

Hail Mary
Hail Mary, full of grace, our Lord with thee. Thou art blessed among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, our Lord Jesus Christ. O! St. Mary, Holy Virgin, Mother of God, pray for us, sinners, now and evermore, even at the hour of our death. Amen.

Our Lord, have mercy upon us by the prayers of those who have pleased thee. The prophets who spoke by the Holy Spirit, the apostles who preached thy revelation and the martyrs who died for thy love, shall pray unto thee; have mercy upon us. Pray O ye saints, with us to Him whose will ye have done, that he may remove and avert from us punishments and rods of rage. Our Lord, have mercy upon us by the prayers of those who pleased thee. By their prayers and petitions absolve us and our departed.

Kaumo of Cherubic Exaltation
Blessed is the honour of the Lord from His place for ever (+)
Holy and glorious Trinity, have mercy upon us.
Blessed is the honour of the Lord from His place for ever (+)
Holy and glorious Trinity, have mercy upon us.
Blessed is the honour of the Lord from His place evermore (+)
Holy and glorious Trinity, have compassion and mercy upon us.
Holy and glorious art thou for ever.
Holy and glorious art thou for ever.
Holy and glorious art thou for evermore.
Glory be to thee our Lord, Glory be to thee our Lord,
Glory be to thee our hope for ever.

Lord's Prayer
Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day the bread of our need and forgive us our debts and our sins as we also forgave our debtors. And admit us not into temptation but deliver us from the evil one. For thine is the kingdom, power and glory, for ever and ever.(+) Amen.

Hail Mary
Hail Mary, full of grace, our Lord with thee. Thou art blessed among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, our Lord Jesus Christ. O! St. Mary, Holy Virgin, Mother of God, pray for us, sinners, now and evermore, even at the hour of our death. Amen.

O thou who art kind unto sinners, be kind unto us on thy judgement day. In the abundance of thy grace forgive us our debts. Those distressed knock at thy door; O thou compassionate, answer their requests by thy magnanimity. O thou heavenly Father, we beseech thee, accept our service and have mercy upon us.
Halleluiah, Halleluiah, Halleluiah, Glory to thee O God (+)
Halleluiah, Halleluiah, Halleluiah, Glory to thee O God (+)
Halleluiah, Halleluiah, Halleluiah, Glory to thee O God (+)
O Compassionate God, in thy blessings have compassion upon us. We shall remember in our prayers and Eucharists, our forefathers who taught us to be children of God while they lived.
The Son of God will grant them favours with the saints and the righteous in the heavenly king-dom. O Lord, grant us thy blessings and help us. Amen.
Glory be to the Trinity Glory be to the Trinity
We adore the glorious, eternal and everlasting Trinity (+)
Glory is worthy unto thee at all times.

The Angelic Hymn
Just as angels and the high archangels in heaven are adoring, like them, we the weak and the earthly ones adore thee always and at all times. Glory be to God in the high, peace and tranquility on earth and good hope to men. We adore thee, we sanctify thee, we worship thee and raise to thee the song of praise.
We praise thee for the greatness of thy glory, Lord, Creator, heavenly King and Almighty God.
Lord God, the lamb of God, the Son and Word of the Father, who takes up, yea, took up the sin of the world, have mercy upon us.
He who takes up, yea, has taken up the sin of the world, hear and accept our petition; O thou who sitteth in glory on the right hand of His Father, spare us and have mercy upon us.
For thou alone art holy, thou alone art Lord Jesus Christ sharing in the glory of the Father together with the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Always and all the days of our lives we will sanctify thee and praise thine holy name which is blessed and eternal. O Almighty God of our fa-thers, thou art blessed; thy name is glorious and thou art abounding in glories for ever.
Praise is becoming thee and glory is befitting thee. O thou God of all and Father of truth, praise is due unto thee, unto the only begotten Son and unto the living Holy Spirit, now and at all times, for ever. Amen.
O Lord Jesus Christ, close not the door of thy mercy on our faces. Lord, we confess that we are sinners, have mercy unto us; thy love made thee to descend from thy place, my Lord, that by thy death our death may be abolished; have mercy upon us.

Psalm 51
Have mercy upon me, O God, according to thy grace and according to the multitude of thy mercy, blot out my sins. Wash me thoroughly from my transgressions and cleanse me from my sins. For I know my follies and my sins are against me always.
Against thee only have I sinned and evils have I done before thee. For thou shalt be justified in thy word and win in thy judgement. Because I was conceived in iniquity and in sin did my mother conceive me, thou wert pleased in truth and the secrets of thy wisdom thou made known to me.
Sprinkle on me with thy hyssop and I shall be clean, wash me with it and I shall be whiter than snow. Fill me with thy joy and gladness and my humble bones shall rejoice. Turn thy countenance away from my sins and blot out all my follies. Create in me a clean heart;
O God, and renew the right spirit in me.
Cast me not away from thy presence and take thou not thy Holy Spirit from me. Restore unto me thy joy and thy salvation and thy glorious Spirit shall uphold me. For I will teach transgressors thy ways and sinners shall turn unto thee. Deliver me from blood, my God, thou God of my salvation, and my tounge shall adore thy righteousness.
O! Lord open thou my lips and my mouth shall sing forth thy praises. For thou wert not pleased by sacrifice nor wert reconciled by burnt offerings. The sacrifices of God are a humble spirit, and a broken heart God despiseth not. In thy good pleasure do thou good unto Zion and build thou the walls of Jerusalem.
Then shalt thou be pleased with the sacrifices of righteousness and with burnt offerings of peace. Then shalt they offer bullocks upon thine altar.

Glory is due unto thee, O God. Barekmor.

It is good to praise the Lord and to sing unto thy most high name and to proclaim in the morning thy grace and thy faith every night. O Lord, in the morning shalt thou hear my voice and in the morning shall I be ready and appear to thee. O Lord have mercy upon thy people, O Lord absolve and forgive the sins of all of us. O Holy One, stretch forth thy right hand towards us and heal our illness and for thy name's sake forever.

O God, I praise thee for all the blessings thou hast given me. Though I am unworthy I pray thee to give me fear and love of thee. Give me all that helpeth my life and is worthy unto thy Godliness.
Rule me according to thy goodwill; may that be fulfilled in me always. Our Lord Jesus Christ, I confess that I am the great sinner who sinned before thee more than all persons. I crave thee pardon of my sins.
God, thou art who blessest and forgivest me all that I have trespassed against thee. I am against all people from the time of my birth up to this time.
Forgive thou all who have wronged me, for thou blessest and art the ocean of blessings. May our sin be regarded as a speck of mud in the ocean of thy blessings. A speck of mud cannot make a vast ocean unclean.
Hence O God, have mercy upon me according to thy kindness. According to the abundance of thy mercy, cleanse my sins. Wash me from my impurities and cleanse me from my sins, for I know my transgressions and my sins are set against me.

O Lord Jesus Christ, redeem me from the severe pains of hell with unquenching fire and undying worms, prepared for me and for the unrighteous and the sinful like me.
Though I am unworthy, make thou me worthy of the great bliss prepared in the other world for thy friends which the eye has not seen, the ear has not heard, nor has the heart conceived.
As it is easy for thy blessing to forgive inequities by the thousands and ten thousands and as thou hast pardoned publicans and harlots in no time, forgive my sins by thy mercy.
Hence I pray thee because of love of thy Father and by the pleasure of thy Holy Spirit forgive my many sins and my shortcomings, by the intercession of the angels and of all thy saints.
Our Lord Jesus Christ who creates, praise and worship are worthy unto thee, for thou blessest and art full of blessings and keepest us safe and unto the Father who sent thee for our salvation and unto thy Holy Spirit, now and for ever.

(of Mor Severius)
(This need not be said on those days on which one attends Holy Qurbana/Eucharist)
By the prayer of thy Mother who brought thee forth, and of all thy saints, I will adore thee. My
Lord and King, the only begotten Son and the word of the heavenly Father who art in thy nature immortal, who by His grace came for the life and for the salvation of the whole human race and was incarnate from the holy, glorious, pure, Virgin Mother of God, Mary; became man without change and was crucified for us. Christ our God who by his death, trampled and killed our death and is one of the Holy Trinity and together worshipped and glorified with His Father and his living Holy Spirit; have mercy upon us all.

The Creed
We believe in one true God / Father Almighty / the maker of heaven and of earth / and of all that are visible and invisible. And in one Lord Jesus Christ / the only begotten Son of God who was born of the Father before all the worlds; / light of light, / very God of very God, / born, not made, consubstantial with the Father, / by whom all was made who for us and for our salvation descended from heaven(+) / and was incarnate of the Holy Virgin Mary, mother of God, / and became man and was crucified (+) for us / in
the days of Pontius Pilate and suffered and died and was buried / and rose the third day and ascended to heaven (+) / and sat on the right hand of His Father / and who cometh again in His great glory / to judge the quick and the dead / and to whose kingdom there is no end.
And in one living and Holy Spirit who is the quickening Lord of all / who proceeds from the Father / and is worshipped and adored with the Father and Son / who spoke through the prophets and the apostles / and in one church, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic.
We confess / that there is only one baptism for the remission of sins / and we await the resurrection of the dead / and the new life in the world to come. Amen Bless my Lord. Stoumenkalos Kurielison Kurielison, Kurielison. Lord have mercy upon us. Lord have compassion and mercy upon us. Lord answer us and have mercy upon us. Glory be to thee our Lord. Glory be to thee our Lord. Glory to thee our hope for ever.

Bless my Lord.

Lord's Prayer
Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day the bread of our need and forgive us our debts and our sins as we also forgave our debtors. And admit us not into temptation but deliver us from the evil one. For thine is the kingdom, power and glory, for ever and ever.(+) Amen.

Hail Mary
Hail Mary, full of grace, our Lord with thee. Thou art blessed among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, our Lord Jesus Christ. O! St. Mary, Holy Virgin, Mother of God, pray for us, sinners, now and evermore, even at the hour of our death. Amen.

O Thou Good Father, give me the love and fear of thee. Though I am not worthy, God give me all that helpeth my life and pleaseth thy humanity. O Lord, if thou willest thou can cleanse me. O Lord, have mercy upon me, a great sinner. My Lord, remember me when thou cometh in the great glory of thy Father with thy holy angels. Lord, help me, bless me and aid me in the lack of my faith. Our Lord, save us that we may not be lost. I sinned before thee and before heaven. I am not worthy to be called thy Son. Accept me at least as a servant in thy house.

Make me even as a slave, for I have sinned.


(+) Draw cross on yourself
(The morning set of prayers ends.)